We are starting this week on a fantastic note! If you are a freelance writer one thing you must know is that getting writing jobs can be quite tough. It can be even worse if you are a newbie in the business. People will ask for experience that you probably do not even have. So how can you make money as a freelance writer?
These tips will help.
We know you think we made a mistake with this point but we sure did not. How else will you get the experience you need, especially as a newbie, if you do not volunteer? Volunteering exposes you to opportunities that can help you build your profile. There are different magazines, blogs and sites that are looking for writers to contribute on different topics. Building a profile is very important especially if you plan to make money from this profession. Volunteering may not pay the bills, but it’s a useful way to network.
Shout about your skills and services
If you don’t talk about your skills and services, who will? Use your social media handles to talk about what you do, share your articles with your social media friends. You may not have money to pay for advertisements but at least you can do that. Talk to friends and family about what you do. You never know where your big break can come from.
Pitch guest blog posts — with discretion
Guest blogging might not bring in revenue — only some sites pay for guest blogs but it will help get your name in front of a lot of potential clients. Don’t spread yourself too thin by guest-blogging for everyone, though.
There are other strategies to use when you want to make money as a freelance writer and we would love to teach you these strategies in our next Writer’s Training.
We’ll show you where to start, what platforms to target and how to attract clients who will pay you for your skills. You can register for the training by sending a mail to [email protected]
You can also join The Sparkle Writer’s Network to have access to freelance writing jobs and opportunities.