The best writing tips for beginners


Beginners are always asking how they can improve their writing skill and become professional writers as quickly as possible. While there is no magic tip that can take you from amateur to professional in the twinkling of an eye, these tips will guarantee consistent growth and improvement in your writing abilities.

Show up

We love the way Isabel Allende put it, “Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.” This is the absolute truth. There are times you won’t feel like writing but that’s not enough to stop you from writing. You have to be consistent.

Even if it’s just 5oo words you write in a day, ensure that you write something. This way you are building your writing muscle. Consistency always pays off. Let writing become part of your daily routine.

Be patient

Just like we said at the introduction, there is no magic wand here. Patience is key. No book has ever been written overnight. You’re in for a long haul. Don’t be in a hurry to become a bestseller when you haven’t found your writing voice.

Overtime, the results of your hard work will begin to reflect in your writing style, your readers will increase and you’ll gain mastery one story at a time.


Enjoy what you do

You’ll be doing yourself great injustice if you hate writing and everything that has to do with it but insist on taking it seriously. You’ve got to love writing. This is what keeps you going throughout your writing journey. It serves as your motivation.

If you don’t love it there’s no point doing it.

Always edit

Your first draft is not your story. It is only a documentation of ideas and needs to be re-written. Edit your work thoroughly and carefully. Cross out excess words and fine tune your ideas.

There are times you need to step away for some time and go back to the draft after some days. This way you’ll be looking at it with a rested mind and fresh eyes.

Let go of your fear of failure or success

Sometimes the fear of failure or the pressure to want to succeed can affect young writers. Stop worrying about getting your work published on major sites and just be a writer. All these will happen as you get better but for now focus on improving your skill.

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