#GrammarSeries – This is the proper way to use i.e. and e.g.


Although small, their ability to confuse writers is huge. You may not know this but there is a significant difference between i.e. and e.g. They DO NOT mean the same thing.

I.e. is the short form of the Latin word id est. which means in other words or that is. E.g. is an abbreviation of the Latin expression exempli gratia which means for example .

When you use e.g. you give a list of examples but that doesn’t mean the list is finite. However when you use i.e. the list is finite.

These examples should help you understand better.

I love watching Nickelodeon programs e.g. Henry Danger or The Thundermans

I love watching Nickelodeon programs i.e. Henry Danger and The Thundermans

In the first example you are saying that you love Henry Danger, The Thundermans or any other program.

In the second example you are clarifying that it is only Henry Danger or The Thundermans that you love watching.

Always remember to put a full stop after each letter of the abbreviation.

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