#PickOfTheWeek – For the love of creativity

Medieval (1)

We are back with the popular #PickOfTheWeek on the blog. Like always we have four amazing pieces by writers who tagged us on instagram. 

Wasted years by Kate Iffy Chukwu

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We love this poem because we can relate with it. Most times it is easy to feel like we have wasted some parts of our life especially when it seems other people have gone ahead. But this piece reminds us that things will get better. 

Oluwafarabaledamilola Popoola’s poem is LIT. We think you should just see it. How many of us have tried this love prank on somebody else?

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The strength of old age

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The strength of old age is not really in their physical abilities, their strength is wisdom, depth and experiences. Andrew Osas Igbineweka explains this better. 

Rape and it’s dangers 

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Korie Chiemeka’s poem is a creative effort to remind us of the dangers of rape and keeping quiet. We love this weeks selection because there is something to learn from each of the poems. 

Tell us what each poem taught you. 





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