It is with great pleasure that we introduce today’s #WriterSpotlight guest. She recently released her first book, Irede…an unending story of hope, and she lets us into the entire process of writing, and publishing this fantastic book.
Enjoy her interview with us.
Hello Crystal. Please tell us about yourself.
I am a people lover driven by a strong desire to bring out the best in everyone I meet. I am crazy passionate about whatever I decide to do…some of my friends call me the ‘Passion Magnet ‘.
I currently serve as the Executive Director of Irede Foundation, an organisation founded to provide prosthetic limbs for child amputees. I am married to Zubby Chigbu, and we are blessed with two kids – Beulah and Eden.
Congratulations on the release of the Irede Book. Can you tell us why you decided to write it?
The story of Irede goes beyond a family faced with the decision to amputate their child, it’s about deep life lessons. For me it’s being able to share those life lessons beyond where my feet can take me. It’s the opportunity to create awareness on limb loss and disability around the world.
I am sometimes privileged to share my story with people and the maximum number of people have been a little above a thousand people at once and indirectly via social media to probably about 5,000 people. I know there are a lot more to reach and I believe the book will go farther than I can.
Why did you choose the title, ‘IREDE…An Unending Story of Hope?’
I am a person of faith and I believe you can only comfort with the comfort you have been comforted. The book is a memoir of hope that has come about as a result of the pain I have gone through.
I feel that what IREDE has done is to birth hope in so many people and it is continuous. I simply feel the title Unending story of hope captures it all.
Since the book was released, what has the reception been like?
I must say it has been amazing. Very Amazing. It’s gotten me excited.
Writing a book is not an easy task. What was the writing experience like for you?
Hmm…The writing of the book took about three years. I cannot take all the credit for it because I had someone that basically transcribed all I had in my head to written form. Writing was also easy because of consistent journaling.
Did you face any challenges while you were writing the book and how were you able to overcome them?
I got tired along the way. I was a bit frustrated with not meeting my deadlines and the biggest was getting the print done in Nigeria. All of this I was able to overcome because I persisted. I told myself I will make it happen and I just kept at it .
What do you love most about being an author?
Working with a team. Writing goes beyond just writing down your stories or facts. For me it’s the synergy between the editor to graphics designer etc.
There is a general opinion that the reading culture in our country is poor. What are your thoughts about this?
It’s very true, the culture is bad but I think gradually we are getting around it. Educating children from when they are young makes it better.
Should we expect any other book from you in the future?
O yes! Couple of more books.
What advice do you have for someone who has a story to tell but is afraid to write it in a book?
Everyone has a story and I think the world is waiting to hear it. So stop stalling and put your pen to paper. You will keep getting better as you write.
To purchase a copy of Irede…An Unending Story of Hope, click here or watch this video. You can also send a text to 08052098130 .