So many bloggers ask this question but don’t seem to get the right answers. Maybe it’s because they do not like the answers they get. Today, not only will we answer this question, we will also help you understand why it is important.
Before you decide on how frequently you want to update your blog, please note the following;
Don’t start what you can’t finish
This is really important. Don’t start posting every day only to stop abruptly just because you are busy.
Before you decide on how many times a week you want to post, be sure that you can keep up with the pace. It’s better to start posting once a week and grow to posting every day.
How often can you get content?
Apart from being ‘too busy’, another thing that hinders bloggers from posting consistently is lack of content.
What’s your blog niche? How often can you get content? If you run a news blog you must know that you should post more often than a food blog for example. News is everywhere so you don’t need to search too hard to find it.
If your blog niche is specialized, consider this before you decide on how frequently you want to post.
Why did you start your blog?
Your answer to this question will determine a lot of things. If you have a blog just because you want to document your ideas and thoughts then you may not need to post so frequently. However if you are blogging to become an authority in a particular niche, you will need to be more consistent to achieve this.
Now that we have this sorted out, we’ll like to add one more thing – It is up to you to decide how often you want to post as long as you have answered these questions honestly.
If you still have questions please let us know.