Hello fiction writers! You should register for the WAW Fiction Masterclass


There’s nothing like a good story. We think everyone can agree with this but we also know that writing a good story can sometimes be difficult. We have something that can help and we think you should know about.

It’s The WAW Fiction Masterclass! This is a one-day intensive writing class, that will teach you how to build fully formed fictional characters and bring them to life on the page by revealing them to readers with time-tested techniques.

Do you know what the best part is? The training is FREE!

To apply for this training,

  • Send a mail to  with the subject: “WAW FM Application: [Your full name]” (e.g. WAW FM Application: John Doe)
  • The email should contain your name, contact details (email and mobile number), age (if you don’t mind) and location.
  • Submit up to 300 words of fiction you’ve written (published or unpublished). It could be a complete story, a vignette or a portion of a story or book. Copy and paste in the email (no attachments).
  • Below your writing sample, include a brief statement of purpose (100 words, max) statingyour reason for applying to this masterclass and what you plan to do with the knowledge you gain.

There are only 20 seats available so start sending your submissions now. Application closes before midnight of Sunday 18 September, 2016.  For more information, click here.

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