Hello there! Thank you for stopping by. We know that you want to become a better writer otherwise you wouldn’t be here. So welcome. Before we start dishing out tips and tricks, we would like to present the Sparkle Writer’s Starter Pack.
Every writer needs the items in this starter pack. They will be your companion as you become better at personal and professional writing. Let’s dig right into the contents of the starter pack shall we?
Basic writing skills
This is stating the obvious really. You must be able to construct a good grammatical sentence or two. Now, we don’t expect you to be perfect. You might make a few mistakes, spell some words wrongly and so on. That is fine; we are here to help you out with all of that.
Great books
A writer who doesn’t read is on the road to failure. We don’t mean to sound harsh but that is simply the truth.
To write well, you need to read. You cannot escape it. And we are not referring to reading gossip columns and blogs. You have to read intellectual and sound materials. Don’t worry too much if you don’t know where to start. In the coming weeks, we will review and recommend great books for you to read.
A Blog
This is a necessity for many reasons. We won’t go into all the reasons now but we’ll tell you this; having a blog gives you your own platform to showcase your talent to the world. You have control over what you write and when you write it. As you will come to discover, this is something every writer should cherish; the ability to develop their own writing voice.
A dash of passion
If you are not passionate about writing just forget it. The reason is this; writing is hard work and it is even harder when you want to write professionally/ commercially. Passion is what keeps you going when your article has been rejected 10 times. We’re sorry to paint a picture of gloom but that’s the real world of writing. Only the passionate and the persistent writers succeed.
A journal
Finally, you need a journal.
Yes we know you have all the fancy gadgets in the world where you can write memos but trust us, a journal is important for you to carry around. Inspiration can come from anywhere (we’ll tell you more about this soon) and it’s good to have a place where you collate all your thoughts and ideas. Your journal will become your best friend as you go on this journey.
So there you have it; our starter pack for writers. Which items do you have and which don’t you have? Are there questions you will like to ask about starting out as a writer? Or do you have any particular needs you want us to address. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can send an email to or connect with us on social media. You’ll find the list of our social media pages on the sidebar to the right. Stay connected!
…let your writing talent sparkle and shine.