Blogging advice from top bloggers you need to be aware of

We welcome you to our blogging series. We hope you have been able to implement some of the tips we’ve shared so far and you’re seeing a difference. Today, we’ve curated some useful advice from top bloggers which we know you will find useful and also learn from. 

The Edit Button is Your Friend. No one is perfect. You will make mistakes. That’s why the edit button is there. As you write from your heart, make sure you also edit your post. There’s no excuse for not checking your grammar and spelling even after you hit ‘publish’. 

Schedule in Advance. Set out a few hours on a specific day, sit down, write your blog posts for a week and schedule. It’s one of the ways to beat writer’s block down the line and it’s a great way of making sure that you always have content on your blog. 

Be Mindful of What Happens Behind the Scenes. The fact that you just published your post does not mean that is the end of the story. There are things you still have to do. Encourage your friends to read your post. Share links on social media and get your friends to share those links. Go back to the post a few times to check for any comments and respond. Don’t disappear as soon as you publish your post.

From the Beginning, Be Serious. Take your blog seriously right from the moment you decide to create it. Do everything excellently from the content you post to the type of images you use. Imagine you are already making millions of dollars from your post and treat it that way. If you really love your blog, you will do all you can to make sure it is the best. 

Avoid Comparisons. You are not the next blogger. Both of you may be writing about the same thing, the look and feel of your blogs may be the same but you are two different people. Never lose sight of that. Focus on your goal. Focus on the value that you want to add and what you want your readers to get out of your blog. Let that be your driving force. It will take you to the top. 

Develop Your Community. Remember we told you not to disappear the moment you publish your post? Well, it’s because blogging is about community. Use your blog to build a community of loyal followers. You can do that by providing them with valuable advice and tips. You can share your successes and things that have worked with your followers. Reach out to know the issues they are facing and provide solutions if you can or direct them to where they can get solutions to those problems. 

Enjoy the Journey. Success from blogging is not something that happens in a day. The journey can sometimes be slow and time-consuming but it is nonetheless rewarding. You need to be patient. Yes, you only have 10 views at the moment but stick with it. That number will increase with consistency and time. The monetization, the comments, the page views, the social media numbers – they will all come eventually if you keep at it and you are dedicated.

Give your blog the best and you will get the best out of it. 



2 thoughts on “Blogging advice from top bloggers you need to be aware of

  1. Thanks for these wonderful reminders 😊! Tweeting 👍🏽


  2. Hi,
    Avoiding comparisons is the hardest for many people. I just wrote about blogger envy this past Sunday. As you see, you and I are like-minded bloggers.
    I blog over at Maybe you can check out my site. I blog about blogging tips. I help bloggers. I also host six blog parties a month where you could meet new readers.



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