#WordOfTheDay – Guess what ‘Complaisant’ means…

It’s Wednesday and you know it’s time to learn a new word on The Sparkle Writer’s Hub blog 🙂 Are you ready?

The word we have for today is ‘Complaisant’. Pronounced [kəmˈpleɪz(ə)nt], Complaisant means to be willing to please others or to accept what they do or say without protest. This word should not be confused with ‘Complacent’ which means something totally different. 

Words that are similar to ‘Complaisant’ include willing, agreeable, accommodating, obliging, conformable, docile, assenting. 

Here’s how to use it in a sentence;

  1. This is the most complaisant child I’ve ever met.
  2. He went to join his apparently complaisant wife for Christmas.

Find ways to use this word in a sentence this week. See you next week when we will have a new word for you.


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