It’s not too late to succeed as a writer

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You know how it feels when you look at other writers and how they have intentionally taken steps to improve their skill and you want to beat yourself up for being so lazy. There are times you may even feel like there are too many people who have gone ahead and it is too late for you to make headway in this career. 

This is NOT true. It is never too late for anyone to succeed. Just take it that the day you decide to take your writing serious is your own morning. 

If you’re still breathing, you haven’t missed your window for success as a writer. Those chances will remain open as long as you keep trying. Saying ‘it’s-too-late’  is just another attempt to find a reason to quit. Don’t give that thought any importance. 

Look at what we found out;

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder was in her mid-60s when she published Little House in the Big Woods (Little House On The Prairie came soon afterwards.)
  • Harriet Doer published Stones for Ibarra, at the age of 73.
  • Millard Kaufman published his first novel at the age of 90.

So remind us, how old are you again and why do you think its too late for you to succeed as a writer?



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