Write while the heat is in you

Sparkle writers

“Write while the heat is in you. The writer who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with. He cannot inflame the minds of his audience.

Hey sparkle writers, it’s Monday and as you already know on the sparkle writers hub, today’s post will major on writing. 

Today’s quote is not new to us, but we want to highlight a few things. When you get an idea, please write it down. Not because we don’t believe your mind is powerful and can retain information but because there is a difference between recording those thoughts as they come and trying to remember them hours after. 


No matter how powerful your mind is, you are bound to loose a bit of information and the only way to avoid that is by recording the details of your thoughts as they come and how they come. These details may just be the fire that supposed to ignite your readers heart or help them 

This is why we always insist that writers have a journal where they can jot ideas that can come at any time. Never go out without a journal or notepad if you want to become a consistent writer. You may get inspiration while you are on the bus. It’ll be a shame to let that inspiration go away simply because you have no where to put it down.

This way you don’t serve your readers diluted messages and you can ensure that the core of your message is passed to your readers. 


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