Hello Sparkle Writers. It’s a great week and we hope you are pumped and ready to do amazing things this week.
Let’s go into the topic for this week.
Have you ever been told or asked about your writing platform? Do you have one? If you do, are you maximizing it?
A platform is something like a stage, that gives you the opportunity to pass across your message.
If you don’t already know, let us tell you that it will not be easy to get someone else to give you a platform so you have to create one for yourself.
Whatever you want to do, your influence and authenticity is what makes your voice matter. Your authority comes from your platform.. So let’s say it this way, your platform is your right to speak to a particular group of people.
According to Jeff Goins, a platform amplifies and legitimizes your message. It gives you authority to influence.
In ancient times, a platform for a musician was a record deal and for writers it was a publishing contract. But now things are way different.
You don’t need to have a publishing contract before you build yourself a platform.
Your blog, Twitter or Instagram page can be your platform. So what are you waiting for?
Start building yours today.