Piracy is a problem no content creator prays to encounter. It has a way of making you so angry and almost discouraged because what you spent a considerable amount of time working on, another person will just copy and paste like its theirs.
But we can’t deny that it is a serious problem.So what should a blogger do when his content is pirated?
1. Speak Up.
Never keep quiet hoping that whoever is stealing your content will stop. Send a message to them, talk about it on your blog at least let your readers and the entire cyber space know who is giving out the real stuff. Most times these people offer your e-books at lower prices than you are offering it and if you are not careful you can loose some of the benefits accrued to you.
2. Don’t stop blogging
As much as possible do not let the mistakes of somebody else stop you from doing what you love. You started blogging for a reason, you have grown a great followership. Why do you want to stop now? Keep writing the good stuff you have been writing over time.
3. Report to relevant authorities.
If you think the piracy is so bad that you cannot take it anymore you can forward your complaints to google, wordpress or whatever institution is meant to handle the case. Piracy is not tolerated by any respectable organization and you can be sure they will do the right thing.
Great post.
We should all put a copyright on our blogs.
I am not sure if it has happened to me… i say not sure, because one time i was reading something and i was like…. ummm …not all mine but sime of mine..but i could have been wrong too..