What every writer should do before the big break comes


Even though most of us write to live or we write because we love it, we will not deny the fact that we won’t mind making extra cash from our writing. Who wouldn’t love to make money from her passion?

However this doesn’t happen immediately. So what should a writer do before his big break?

We have practical tips that can help!

Find a side hustle

We don’t know how else to say this. Don’t sit in your house and wait for that international publication that will pay you in hard currency. Do something else that will pay your bills. Well, except you don’t need to eat, buy clothes and pay bills till the international publication finds you.

You don’t have to stop writing. Just find something else to do; you can get a 9-5 job like most people pending the time writing alone can pay your bills.


Talk about your work

If you are just sitting pretty and waiting for your big break, you may wait for a long time. Talk about your work to the people you meet at events, your office, church. In fact, everywhere you go. You never know who needs your service. Some writers are chronic introverts. /the sight of too many people can be frightening, but if your career is going to improve you’ve got to put in some work. And talking is part of it. Whether or not you like it.

Keep writing

Don’t mistake waiting for your big break to mean you should stop writing. Your big break cannot come if you have stopped writing or how will you be discovered? If not with your work?

Whether it’s a full time job, or a personal business do not stop writing. Don’t lose the flow.

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