Unveiling The Sparkle Writer’s Hub Christmas Campaign…and reasons why you should join in

The Sparkle Writer's Hub Christmas Campaign

Hey Sparkle Writers!

Christmas is around the corner. Are you excited? 

It’s been a long topsy-turvy year with many unexpected bumps and curves. No matter how the year has been for you, Christmas is always a season to rejoice. It’s the season of joy and laughter. Christmas means different things to different people and we want to celebrate that at The Sparkle Writer’s Hub. 

Yes, the campaign essentially is to celebrate the different reasons why we love Christmas from the 1st to the 24th of December.

To be a part of The Sparkle Writer’s Hub Christmas Campaign, send an entry between 300-400 words telling us what Christmas means to you. You know we’re writers, so let it be as creative as possible🙂

All entries should be sent to [email protected] along with two high resolution pictures of yourself and your bio by Wednesday 30th November. Entries will be featured on The Sparkle Writer’s Hub blog and our social media pages. 

So what are you waiting for? Write your entry and send it to us today. 


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