#SWChristmasCampaign – “Christmas is the perfect time to renew the bond we share.” Josephine Amoako

Josephine Amoako

Today’s entry is from Ghana! Whoop! Christmas for Josephine Amoako means a time of renewed joy and hope. Christmas gives her hope that the next year will be better. Read on to find out just how special Christmas is to Josephine. 


I always look forward to Christmas with so much glee not because I expect any gifts (because I wouldn’t receive any) but because of what it represents and how it applies to me. No matter how tough the months leading to December became, I still found a reason to smile knowing Christmas was approaching.

As a Christian, the season is an occasion to reminisce about the birth of Christ and its significance for mankind. Whenever I think about how His first coming has benefited me personally and the world as a whole, I can’t help but be thankful. Of course, every year comes with its own challenges and some can drain you of every hope you have of things getting better but the chance to celebrate Christmas year in year out is a privilege I can’t afford to take lightly.

As Jesus came to earth out of love for us humans, Christmas reminds me about the need to love my neighbor. No matter how difficult it may be to love some people, I challenge myself to do so because if a perfect and holy God could love an imperfect and flawed person like me, then I can find it in me to love my fellow imperfect and flawed neighbors.

The Christmas season is a merry one and I can’t have it that way without sharing the love with family and friends. Since it precedes every New Year, it’s the perfect time to forgive one another for the little hurts inflicted and renew the bond we share. It’s a time to love, laugh and share.

Christmas gives me hope that the next year would be better. If God cared about me that much to send His beloved Son to earth to save me, then I’m assured that He’s concerned about my daily needs and dreams. Christmas leaves me refreshed and confident to face the coming year with expectation.

And I can’t wait for Christmas!

About Josephine

Josephine Amoako

Josephine Amoako hails from Ghana and is a passionate and enthusiastic writer/blogger who is on a mission to inspire the world one piece at a time. She blogs at Joseyphina’s World.


If you would like to be featured in The Sparkle Writer’s Christmas Campaign, please send an entry of between 300-400 words telling us what Christmas means to you. Your entry must be sent with two pictures of yourself and your bio to [email protected]. We have limited slots left so send in your entry as soon as possible. 

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