#GrammarSeries – This is why you should use ‘before’ instead of ‘prior to’


It’s Tuesday and time for another #GrammarSeries. We hope that previous series have taught you something new.

Today’s post is quite straightforward. We are telling you why you should use ‘before‘ instead of ‘prior to.’

Well, the answer is very simple.

Before is less clumsy, more acceptable and actually sounds better.

Prior‘ is an adjective that means ‘earlier’ or ‘previous.’ You wouldn’t say ‘earlier to’ or ‘previous to,’ so you shouldn’t use ‘prior to.’

Let’s see an example;

Prior to becoming an award wining writer, I worked as a hair stylist. 

Before becoming an award wining writer, I worked as a hair stylist. 

Don’t you agree with us that before sounds better?

We’re sure you do.

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