It’s one thing to have a blog but it can become quite tough to manage a blog and a regular job at the same time. Having to go to work very early in the morning and coming back late is not so easy and the thought of writing anything fun, witty or inspirational can just wear you out completely.
Today, we will give you three surefire ways of making sure your blog does not suffer while you take care of your job too.
Plan your content ahead.
This is probably the easiest tip to give but the one that is often ignored.
It’s very difficult to come back home after a long day at work and start thinking of what to post on your blog. Isn’t it? This is why you must plan your content ahead of time. Have an idea of what you want your blog to look like for at least a month and jot them down.
This way, all you have to do is flesh out the ideas, instead of thinking of a story idea from scratch.
Get guest writers.
This is a good way to make sure your blog doesn’t run out of content. Guest writers will not only take away the burden of creating content every time, they will also give fresh insight and a different angle to your blog niche by bringing their personality as well as their experiences into an article. Just ensure that you set the guidelines properly so as to ensure that the terms are clear on both sides.
Treat your blog like you treat your work.
It’s very easy to see posting content on your blog as negotiable especially if it’s not bringing you any source of income. At the slightest opportunity, you back out from posting for the day because you are tired, there’s no data or whatever excuse you can use.
What if you are paid N100, 000 for every post you publish? Would you still think you are too tired?
We think it’s time you took that blog more seriously; don’t you think so too?