Writing Quote – The useless days will add up to something  

Medieval (2)

“The useless days will add up to something. The shitty waitressing jobs. The hours writing in your journal. The long meandering walks. The hours reading poetry and story collections and novels…. These things are your becoming.” Cheryl Strayed, Author of Wild

One thing you should know and understand as a writer is this – no experience is useless. It really does not matter if it is the most condescending of experiences. It is all going to count for something in the end.

For a writer, every single experience is a potential story waiting to be birthed through words – your words.

It does not matter if it is a heartbreak, a boring lecture, a difficult roommate, an overbearing sibling or parent, a boring book that you have to read for an exam, a birthday celebration, a harrowing experience with your mother’s annoying customers, taking care of your pet dog or the pain of watching your puppy die. All of your experiences will add up to something in the end.

Just like the writer in the above quote says, “These things are your becoming.”  The seemingly useless days will add up to something beautiful in the end.


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